Monthly Membership

  • How it works

    Our membership works by authorizing a credit card to be charged $20 on the 1st of every month.

    This $20 charge becomes a CREDIT towards your first massage, facial or reiki session that month - this is NOT A FEE!

    If you can’t make it in that month, your $20 credit rolls over to the next month, giving you a $40 credit to use.

    Once in our membership, you’ll receive discounts on ALL of our services.


    Share your membership with your spouse.

    $10 off any regularly priced Massage, Facial and Reiki session for family members.

    Receive 20% off on Follow-up Acupuncture treatments.

    Save 10% on all hair removal services.

    Receive each additional monthly service at membership prices.

    Receive 25 DCOMPRESS Dollars for each referral who receives a treatment.

  • Membership Example

    You just joined our membership at the end of August. It is now September, and $20 was charged to your account on September 1st.

    You come in for a 90 minute massage which is regularly priced at $175. But since you’re a member, your member pricing is only $145!

    You’ve already paid $20 on your card on the 1st of the month, so after your massage you only owe $125 ($145 - $20 credit)!

    You loved your massage sooooo much, that you decide to get a 60 minute massage the next week. The regular price is $125, but because you’re a member, you only pay $105!

    By joining our membership, you saved $50 in one month!

  • How to Sign up

    It’s easy! Sign up at your next service!

    Because we keep your credit card on file to auto-charge your monthly credits, we need a signature from you. We’ll have you fill out the authorization form, review our membership cancelation policy, go over the perks & then your membership pricing will begin right then!