Massage Aftercare to Maximize Results & Minimize Soreness
The period after a massage may feel like the wind-down after a long and relaxing bath. You feel calm, relaxed, and drowsy enough to drift right off to sleep. That might be the only thing you want to do after a deep tissue massage – but it isn’t exactly all that you need to do.
Massage therapy is more akin to exercise than you probably realize. You’ve probably experienced soreness after a massage, just like you would after a good workout session. As such, there are appropriate and recommended ways to cool down after a massage.
These steps are important, as they are bound to maximize the benefits of massage and minimize potential soreness and strain in the days to come. Let’s take a look at how to take care of yourself properly after a massage.
Get Enough Rest
Resting well is probably the easiest step on this aftercare list. Most people already feel like they want to lie down and nap immediately after a massage. This is exactly what you should do — listen to what your body is asking for.
Try to keep a clear schedule after your massage appointment, so you have plenty of time to relax, unwind and get all of the rest you need. Jumping straight back into work or other stressful and high-energy activities can undo all of the good work of your massage therapist.
Drink Lots of Water
Resting might be the easiest aftercare step, but staying hydrated is the most important. You need to keep yourself as hydrated as possible after your massage, particularly in the first 24 hours. Your lymph nodes are stimulated during a massage, which causes them to begin eliminating and releasing toxins through the kidneys.
You need to drink plenty of water to help flush out these toxins and restore the fluid in your body. The ideal water intake during this time is around four to six glasses in the first 24 hours. Keep in mind that you need to drink water, not tea, coffee, or sugary drinks.
Some of these other flavored beverages can have a dehydrating effect on your body and may reintroduce toxins. This could undo most of the good benefits of your massage and should be actively avoided, particularly alcoholic beverages.
Fuel Your Body With Good Food
Massage speeds up your circulatory system and can do the same for other bodily functions. This goes for the digestive system as well. As a result, your body often needs to refuel, and if you don’t eat soon after a massage, you may find yourself feeling woozy or lightheaded.
It’s good to have a snack on hand to eat after your massage, or at least quick access to a small meal. Try to keep your post-massage food as healthy as you can, with low sugar and sodium so you don’t get dehydrated. A piece of fruit, a granola bar, or salad could be the perfect post-massage snack.
We recommend a snack or a small meal over a larger meal as your abdomen may be a little sensitive after a session on the massage table, and too much food may cause discomfort.
Take a Bath
If you think a massage is just as soothing and relaxing as a nice bath, why not do both? Taking a bath right after your massage is another excellent way to help your body wind down and relax completely. The warm water will also increase your blood circulation by opening your blood vessels.
Remember to keep your bath warm, not hot. Water that is too hot can exacerbate inflammation after your massage. If you have Epsom salts, add a liberal amount to your bath. The salts will soothe any aches you might have, helping you reach a higher level of relaxation.
San Diego Locals will enjoy $20 off their first massage, facial or reiki session!
If you want to wind down and are looking for a new massage therapist, consider becoming a member at Dcompress Downtown. Our membership gives you a range of great benefits, including discounted membership prices on ALL of our services, the ability to buy gift certificates at your membership price, and $10 off regularly-priced massage, facial, and Reiki sessions for your family members!
Book here or call us at 619.940.7556 for more information about our membership.